ACTA: Active Citizens Take Action (2013)

Projekt ACTA (2013) je skušal zbrati predstavnike civilne družbe iz številnih evropskih držav z namenom razprave o avtorskih pravicah na internetu in Evropskega avtorskega prava, problemov povezanih z internetnega piratstvom, etičnostjo in političnimi učinki gibanja Anonymous ter predsvsem z namenom aktivne razprave okoli predloga ACTA v Evropskem parlamentu. Projekt je bil pripravljen kot odziv na množične proteste proti ACTA predlogu v Evropi in je skušal ustvariti platformo za argumentirano razpravo med odločevali in vsemi ostalimi deležniki.


The project brought together  citizens active in youth and Internet non governmental organizations from different European countries to discuss authorship rights, piracy and privacy on Internet, effectiveness and ethics of the movement Anonymous; to analyse the involvement of civil society in the decision making processes about ACTA at national and European level,   to research and  learn how to influence national and European parliament  on the policies and legislation.   

We  wanted  to foster  action, debate and reflection on European citizenship and democracy through analysing ACTA and related issues. Encouragement of  interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries and discussions, exchanging views and presenting citizens opinion and project results with relevant decision makers  at local, national and EU level, were  the key principles of the project. 


To  achieve the above listed goals we organised two international events (each with more than 120 participants from 7 countries and 14 partner organisations), several public debates in different environments and countries and a manual with the presentations and papers about ACTA.

The project activities  at one hand focused  on empowerment of  participants to be able to exercise the European citizenship and become active citizens in their environment by giving them knowledge, information and skills how to organise, implement, participate at  different types of public discussions and other Internet actions and on the other hand equipped them with knowledge and understanding of citizen participatory strategies, communication with decision makers, importance and dilemmas of ACTA related issues and the necessity of finding the solution which can satisfy citizens, governments and corporations.


Project booklet & compendium of materials with presentations, essays, and researches prepared during the project
Abstract from the ACTA international conference
Videos of debates, presentations and public forums from the project