Let’s discuss debate! (2013)
Namen tega projekta je bil raziskati do katere mere in kako debatna metodologija in debatni programi pomagajo pri izobraževanju za aktivno državljanstvo. V te namene smo naredili raziskavo nacionalnih debatnih programov v 4 partnerskih državah (Slovenija, Hrvaška, Romunija in Makedonija) ter izdali knjigo o debati kot povezi med formalno in neformalno izobrazbo.


This project was developed by Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga and partners – Croation Debate Society, Croatia, ARGO Romania and Youth Educational Forum, Macedonia as the Council of Europe funded activity designed to come closer to the core of what extent and in which ways debate makes a contribution to the development of active citizenship skills and the values of global education and human rights. Through this project the partner organizations decided to involve young leaders in a critical evaluation of the activity that they support and cultivate.


Research and book Untangling Debate, Loosening the Tension Between Non-formal and Formal Education brings the analyses of the survey which was conducted in all 4 partner national debate programs and some interviews with debate coaches