Simulation for Action Stimulation (2012)

SAS projekt je bil nadaljevanje mreženja med organizacijami, ki so sodelovale na dogodku “Think-Meet-Debate-Include-Europe”. Znotraj projekta smo organizirali številne javne razprave (video posnetek razprave o prihodnosti Evrope si lahko ogledate spodaj) ter debatno akademijo v Kranjski Gori. Med projektimi gradivi lahko najdete tudi učbenik z izobraževalnimi gradivi ter obširno evalvacijo dogodkov.


SAS was a project that acted as a follow up for the networking of partner organisations from the event ‘Think-Meet-Debate-Include-Europe’ and it included a wider network of participating organisations dealing with informal education. The decision for the follow up followed the extremely good evaluation of the first event and the expressed wish of the participating organisations to organise a longer event with a more diverse methodology for debating European issues with a special interest to youth.


SAS project manual: overview of the project activities, participants and educational materials (including the explanation and implementation model of the simulation of the European Parliament, a guide to successful round table discussion and short guide to good argument structure)
Compilation of thematic and research materials for the project participants.
Evaluation and analysis of the international project


i)    to strengthen the network of partner organizations already established through the first event (all of the participating organizations from the first event agreed to participate and support the idea of future cooperation. As a sign of their commitment to the idea of trans-European networking of similar organizations we also signed a non-formal Charter of Cooperation);

ii)    multiply the effects of exchange of best practices to a wider network of partners (the proposed event is upgraded by the inclusion of 4 new partner which enriches the cultural diversity on the debated issues and empowers more young people. One day will be devoted exclusively to institutional networking in a local and international environment);

iii)    to upgrade methodological framework of the first event (the methodology of the first event will be upgraded through the inclusion of simulation of European Parliament as a an active method of learning. The participants will in this way have the chance to test their skills of public speaking and advocacy through simulating a real life environment of the EP) and

iv)    continue the debate about the current dilemmas of Europe through a participatory and democratic approach (the general themes will cover the issues connected to the Europe 2020 strategy and the Lisbon treaty with a specific focus on youth issues like unemployment, mobility, political participation, role of internet and ecology).


Within the project we have implemented many public discussions and round tables in national languages.